Link Description
Asbestos Information Resource for asbestos-related diseases
Mesothelioma Group Support and treatment options for Mesothelioma
Firehouse News and resources for firefighting professionals
Firefighter Nation Community and resources for firefighters
FireRescue1 Firefighting news, training, and equipment
Firefighter Close Calls Safety and accident prevention for firefighters
Fire Engineering Training, education, and management for fire service leaders
Roosevelt NY Chamber Chamber of Commerce for Roosevelt, NY
Fire Apparatus Magazine Magazine focused on firefighting apparatus and equipment
Fireman’s Association of the State of New York Association for New York’s firefighters
Fire Department Safety Officer Organization Organization dedicated to safety officers in fire departments
Fire District Map of Nassau County Interactive map of fire districts in Nassau County
Long Island Fire Trucks Information and history of Long Island fire trucks
Nassau County Fire Service Academy – Community Alert (VEEB) Community alerts from the Nassau County Fire Service Academy
Nassau County Government Official website for Nassau County
New York State Association of Fire Chiefs Professional association for fire chiefs in New York
NFPA National Fire Protection Association